Interior Waterproofing

Is water coming into your basement? We can help! With interior waterproofing we break up the concrete floor in your basement along the walls so that a trench can be prepared. In that trench, we install a weeping tile that goes to an inside sump, the we add drainage stone and delta MS on the wall and pour concrete back.

Exterior Waterproofing

Exterior waterproofing requires more digging than interior waterproofing, but is definitely worth it. We excavate along the wall or walls that are leaking from the outside, remove material off-site, scope existing weeping tile, waterproof the wall and drainage board, add new weeping tile and drainage stone then backfill with sand and finish off with topsoil. 

Crack Injection

Cracks in your foundation keeping you awake at night? Using a single stage injection filing material, we can repair cracks in poured concrete foundations. Small holes are drilled into the wall along the crack, and the filler material is injected into these holes under pressure, flowing along the crack line from there. The material fills in the gaps left in the wall by the crack, and sets to a strong finish. So why keep worrying? Get in touch with us to learn about all your waterproofing options.

Egress Window Cutting

We cut out the opening for the window in the foundation wall, but we also excavate down to the weeping tile to make sure your window is done right! This reduces the risk of the window becoming an entry point for water. Once we dig down we also scope the weeping tile to make sure everything is in good working order (we don’t do things half way). We have access to different sizes of egress windows and have well size options and ladders that can extend into the ground further.

Outdoor Sump System

Why would you want to bring water into your house only to pump it back out? Well, you just wouldn’t. Indoor sump pumps are great for managing water that is already in your home, but an outdoor sump system deals with the water before it gets inside. These systems can be installed for new build homes, or for existing homes. For existing homes, this system can be installed on its own, or can be included in with the installation of an exterior wall waterproofing system.

Pit Boss Combo Kit

Having a sump pump inside or outside your home provides such peace of mind, but what if something happens to your pump? We use the Pit Boss Combo Kit because they send an alert to your cellphone if your pump is not running due to a power outage or other issue. Wouldn’t you rather know about an issue right away, rather than discovering it when your basement is flooded? Pit Boss can be used for indoor and outdoor pump systems so you don’t have to miss out.

Commercial Waterproofing

We use Tremco 260 to apply to exposed foundation walls for exterior waterproofing for Commercial clients. The waterproofing membrane is made of a polymer enhanced single component fluid which is an asphalt emulsion. It is rolled or sprayed onto the foundation. This fluid product is ideal for waterproofing below grade and provides good coverage of irregular surfaces. We also use the Trem drain 1000 system at the bottom of the trench that need to be dug to expose the foundation wall.

Elevator Pit Waterproofing

Have a new construction project? We also provide elevator pit waterproofing, so you don’t run into issues down the road. Do you have an existing elevator pit that has a water problem? Give us a call! We complete elevator pit repairs using Tremco Permaquik 200. This product is is a proprietary blend of chemicals, quartz sand, and cement. It is considered a crystalline waterproofing product, which simply means it causes crystals to form in the crack which lock together to create a watertight seal.